If you have had a planning application recently refused by the Local Planning Authority why not contact SDA Planning Limited for a free no obligation consultation for advice on the best way to proceed.

If it is considered that the appeal process is the best way forward we can advise which method to use and whether or not the Council has acted reasonably in its decision making.

If it is considered that an appeal is the best way forward we can assist you with the best option for your development.

With appeal experience in both the public and private sector we can offer a full understanding of the process and can ensure that your appeal is given every chance of success.

  • Householder – this is only open to refused applications for householder development (house extensions etc.).

  • Written Representations – This is open to any type of refused planning application that does not fall within the ‘householder’ classification. This is the most common type of appeal as it is generally the quickest, simplest and cheapest option

  • Hearing – In some instances it may be better to present your appeal at an informal hearing. However, this is now used more in exceptional circumstance as generally speaking it is more involved and takes longer

  • Public Inquiry - For more complex appeals or refused Lawful Development Certificates Existing it may be necessary to pursue a Public Inquiry. This will invariably involve the instruction of a barrister.